Setting up the feature flags through a Clojure REPL
This process is done through a Clojure script connected to the server that has a REPL running in a specific port. We usually use gossm to forward the 9877 port with the command
gossm fwd --local 9877 --remote 9877
You can connect to this port and run Clojure code using a VSCode extension called Calva
Using Calva extensions in vscode:
- Ctrl + shift + P: Calva: connect to a running repl server, not in the project
- Choose the deps.edn option;
- Enter localhost:9877 as the url and port in the following popup;
The following code is required to setup a feature flag in the production environment, you can paste the snippets in a file and run them with ALT+Enter (Evaluate top level form) or CTRL+Enter (Evaluate selection).
(in-ns 'io.vouch.debug-repl.feature-flags)
(require '[io.vouch.debug-repl.crypto-id :as crypto-id])
(crypto-id/prod-crypto-identity-context) ;; Use (dev-crypto-identity-context) instead for DEV or STG environments.
nil) ;; Aditional options.
In calva you’ll see the return of each line execution beside it with a “=>” sign like in the following example.
(set-feature "FEATURE-FLAG-NAME" true (crypto-id/prod-crypto-identity-context)) => "Feature FEATURE-FLAG-NAME toggled to: true"
Example, the basic-validator-node-changes flag
(in-ns 'io.vouch.debug-repl.validators)
;; IMPORTANT! You need to set the initial-validators set below.
;; Retrieve the validator keys using
(clojure.pprint/pprint (get-validators (util/get-tendermint-url) true))
;; Copy each public key and add to the initial-validators array as strings:
(def initial-validators [])
;; It should look like:
;; (def initial-validators
;; [“22CCC542981B5C6637815543B47CDC3D06E05A58E77D07F119423E191AD62CCf”
;; “22CCC542981B5C6637815543B47CDC3D06E05A58E77D07F119423E191AD62CCf”
;; “22CCC542981B5C6637815543B47CDC3D06E05A58E77D07F119423E191AD62CCf”
;; “22CCC542981B5C6637815543B47CDC3D06E05A58E77D07F119423E191AD62CCf”])
{ initial-validators})
Example, the tendermint-drop-history-flag
(in-ns 'io.vouch.debug-repl.feature-flags)
(set-feature "tendermint-drop-history-flag" true (dev-crypto-identity-context) {:retention-period "P14D"})
Example, setting multiple feature flags
(def feature-flags
(doseq [feature feature-flags]
(set-feature feature true (crypto-id/prod-crypto-identity-context) nil))