Aud stands for audience and this exception kind occurs when the claim in JWT token, during enroll-with-jwt operation, doesn't match the preconfigured expected value (e.g. OneApp).
Iss stands for issuer, i.e. who generated the JWT token and this exception kind can happen during the enroll-with-jwt operation when the claim doesn't match the preconfigured expected value.
For example:
- The environment variable OIDC_CONFIG might have the
misconfigured; - A complitely different OIDC JWT token might have been provided.
This exception kind happens when the string in email claim in JWT token, during enroll-with-jwt operation, doesn't conform to email format.
This exception kind can happen during enroll-with-jwt operation.
Possible causes:
- The JWT cannot be parsed or the signature cannot be verified;
- The JWT might have been altered.